It's more of the same news about how Meta is chasing after other networks in the hopes of saving their investors.
As someone who has been quite excited about the VR work being done by Meta, I was pretty disheartened to see just how badly this plan was working out. I think there's a lot to be said about VR and I think businesses will find a place there but I am not so convinced that Horizon Worlds will be supported by Meta's big vision, especially when I heard the news that they were planning on building another new platform to rival... Twitter? Seriously?
They were already tweaking their Instagram platform to be more like TikTok, and their Facebook platform to have rooms like Clubhouse (but to be fair so did Twitter), and I get the whole "price-match" mentality that is driving this bus, but as someone who teaches that marketing in a niche environment is the most successful strategy, this is just cringy news.
Especially on the heels of learning that they were also planning on laying off a lot more employees.
Source: CNN Business